The school year is coming to an end and with that comes end of the year celebrations. My school director (who is fantastic!) took all of us to Millpark, this chicy hotel on the outskirts of Chimoio, for one final staff get together before everyone starts to leave for the holidays. Aside from the fact that the chalets and hotel grounds overlook beautiful fields and mountains out in the distance, there is also a really nice, fancy pool, and MINI GOLF! (NOTE: I did not play mini golf but will return in the future to do so!). My director let me bring a friend along, Ana, who is a PCV in Messica, a town close by to me, and it was great to have her with me. An entire day of Portuguese can still be pretty draining but with another friend at your sides its easier to shake off the jokes when teachers encourage you to dance, and negar bottles of beer when colleagues are trying to get you tipsy. Needless to say we spent the entire day at Millpark yesterday, eating delicous food and talking to my collagues, many of whom I've come to know much better in the past few months. Ana also helped me describe different types of secondary projects that I can do (which are PC projects) with my colleagues at school. It was great having her there!
The teachers and staff at Vanduzi Secondary School
Sophia (easily one of my closest friends in Vanduzi!) , her daughter Shanazia Clarina, and I.
Simao and Siguake, two of my colleagues at school who also teach English.
And this is Bea, my other closest friend at school, she was sick yesterday and couldn't come to our end of the year lunch but it didn't feel right to write about school and not include her!
Ana---I'm not sure how we missed taking a picture together :( but here's proof of the mini golf course! Note--Manica/Central crew, we will go back here!
And here are some pictures of some of my better students at school...I don't feel too guilty labeling them that way because they were also the only ones who showed up for the last 2 weeks of classes!
Students from turma 8J: at the end of the semester I asked my students to prepare a short dialogue to present instead of taking a final exam. Only two of the students from this class showed up prepared and it although I was dissapointed in the rest of the crew, these two students literally made my day. They spoke clearly and loudly and it was very obvious that they actually practiced! They were of course rewarded with some starbursts (thanks mom!) One of them, Castro, is the student all the way on the right
Students from turma 8A:
So I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites but in this turma, up until the end of the school year students were still coming to class EVERY DAY, and taking notes and asking me what we could do to practice more english. They were also my class with the highest pass rate and they were pretty awesome.
And that's it for now :)
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